Returning home with lots of pictures to share from an incredibly blessed trip to Iran, rich with history, culture, and friendship! Here’s a picture I took at the Pink Mosque in Shiraz.
The colorful rose brings the sweet scent of He. – Hafez of Shiraz
“Why Iran?” Because I wanted to be completely surrounded by beautiful Islamic architecture. I find it to be meditative…
My eyes are mesmerized by the intricate patterns. It’s a mirror for my own soul and the Soul of the Universe, both of which seem to be lost in each other as I gaze at this dome above Hafez’s tomb. And at last, I relinquish the desire to distinguish the real from its reflection.
What a gift you have been, Hafez! You passed on over 600 years ago, and yet, men, women, and children still recite your words among His lovers. What an everliving celebration you have left behind!