My Top 5 Autistic Traits1 min read

1.  Pattern recognition superpower.

    • My friends call me a “textpert” because I’m amazing at recognizing patterns. My precision in decoding text and uncovering underlying narratives is my superpower.

    • I’ve used this skill in my work as a marketing consultant, market researcher, and insights professional across industries like pharma and telecom.

    • Now, I use it at Patterns to Presence to help clients identify subconscious narratives and attachment patterns.

2.  My memory is solid.

    • My mind works like a mental filing cabinet, organized by year and month. 

    • I can often recall events and conversations with extraordinary detail.

3.  I’m really sensitive to noise.

    • During Covid, I moved out of my parents’ house because I couldn’t tolerate the noise.

    • My phone is always on silent, I take AirPods everywhere, and we’ve even silenced our doorbell.

4.  My body hears and senses words deeply.  

    • I can’t listen to swear words in music because it physically hurts my body.

    • My body tenses up when I sense someone raising their voice, even if it’s in a movie.

    • I fainted while hearing the story of my uncle’s open-heart surgery.

5.  Exhausted by social interactions.

    • As a kid, I skipped after-school events and activities to rush home and take a nap. 

    • I loved organizing creative dinners and then needed to stay home and do nothing the next day.

    • I’ve happily worked from home for over 10 years.

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