Systematics: The Universal Language2 min read

Systematics – The Universal Language PDF

Language, a set of recognizable patterns, is arguably humanity’s greatest achievement. Through language, each generation is able to record, preserve, enhance and most importantly, pass down the knowledge from the past.

Language, the programing software for our brains, creates structure in our minds in order to “see” patterns and derive meaning from them. Ultimately, language dictates the patterns that our minds create, recognize, accept and/or reject.

Despite the growing number of languages and dialects around the world, there exists a major gap in our communication. And even greater is the gap in our cross-cultural, international understanding as is evident by the turmoil on our planet. The need for a common, universal language is perhaps greater today than any other time in history.


  1. A single intelligent system governs the natural world, which is wired for evolutionary progress. All things are interconnected and nothing exists outside of this system.
  2. This single intelligent system comprises of a hierarchy of smaller, similar subsystems. Think fractals: geometric shapes can be split into parts, each of which is a smaller copy of the whole.
  3. The set of recognizable patterns and proportions underlying the single intelligent system is called ‘sacred geometry’. Sacred geometry is visible everywhere in nature: from the spirals of the nautilus shell, the sunflower and spiral galaxies, to the hexagons of snowflakes, flowers and a bee’s honeycomb.

The universal language of systematics, based on sacred geometry, is not a new idea. Ancient civilizations believed that the universe was created with an underlying geometric plan and that certain numbers are symbols of a deeper, esoteric, and often metaphysical meaning.

The principle of interconnectedness, inseparability and union is a continuous reminder of our relationship to the whole. It is a blueprint for the mind to realize the sacred foundation of all that exists.

If systematics is the alphabet, then systems thinking is the equivalent of full sentences. Learning a language’s alphabet isn’t valuable unless you also learn how to create and read sentences and ultimately derive meaning.

The goal of systems thinking is to develop the power of understanding. Understanding relates to underlying patterns, relationships, and meanings. Understanding can be transferred from one situation to another and this property distinguishes it from simply knowing.


  1. Systems thinking is based on synthesis – i.e. “joining” things together (the function of intellect). It follows from “analysis”, i.e. knowing something by splitting it into parts and analyzing each part (the function of reason).
  2. Components of a system are best understood in a context of relationships with each other and with other systems, rather than in isolation. Thus, systems thinking is holistic rather than linear, mechanical, or reductionist.
  3. Systems thinking focuses on cyclical relationships (also called a feedback loop) rather than linear cause and effect. Therefore, systems thinking uses diagrams and/or maps to precisely capture the complexity of the whole and the independent, but mutually relevant parts.

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About the Author

Sabrina is a behavioral scientist with a background in marketing and communications consulting, who seeks to self-actualize and create social change through her work. She holds an MBA degree from INSEAD and a BS degree in Business Management from Babson College. Her interests include psychology, systems thinking, sacred geometry, and Sufi poetry.

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