Two Become One
Two candles in the sky
Pointed to oneness
Like the two wings
of a butterfly
The sea-saw motion
Of love and hope
They are mirrored
In my own body
I have two eyes…
Attachment Styles are patterns of how you think, feel, and behave in relationships.
Your Attachment Style forms in early childhood, and is based on how well you felt heard, seen, and understood by your parents.
In childhood, when you felt that you don’t matter or that you are fundamentally alone, you unconsciously put your guard up.
And you disconnected from your Authenticity, because you didn’t feel safe showing up as you are.
This created insecurity in your mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
The path to secure attachment involves healing and freedom.
When you heal, you can let go of insecurities, limiting beliefs, and open new pathways that allow you to consciously respond rather than react to situations.
You can unlock your full potential when you reclaim your Authenticity.
Patterns to Presence is a proven, step-by-step program to transform the patterns that keep you from creating authentic, secure relationships. Using a tried-and-tested roadmap, we guide you from insecure to secure attachment in just 4 weeks.
Two candles in the sky
Pointed to oneness
Like the two wings
of a butterfly
The sea-saw motion
Of love and hope
They are mirrored
In my own body
I have two eyes…
Somewhere, deep within us
Shadows encircle a pond of Light
Befriend them one by one
Offer them a listening ear
Put your hand on your heart
Speak softly and say Salaam
How quickly it sets them at ease
Say: I have heard your cry for help
What is it that has hurt you…
O Alamut!
O sister of Al-Azhar and Dar al-Hikmah,
O beautiful nest of shooting stars,
I’ve come to pay homage to you.
O safe haven of intellectual vitality,
O gatherer of scholars and scientists,
I’ve come to bow my head in your honor.
“But I am ruined – can’t you see? I couldn’t save the libraries…
Upon entering Jameh Mosque of Isfahan, I found myself in the city of my own heart. The hustling bazaar swiftly faded away behind me. Lit by the desert sun and contained by 4 colossal gates, the inner courtyard is a place for…
Returning home with lots of pictures to share from an incredibly blessed trip to Iran, rich with history, culture, and friendship! Here’s a picture I took at the Pink Mosque in Shiraz. The colorful rose brings the sweet scent of He. – Hafez of Shiraz. “Why Iran?” Because I wanted…
The Universal Command is pure vision, unlimited possibilities, and entirely boundless. It ignites the Universal Intellect, through which thought is bound, defined, and then projected onto the Universal Soul. The Universal Soul receives the perfect…