My Top 5 Autistic Traits
1. Pattern recognition superpower. My friends call me a “textpert” because I’m amazing at recognizing patterns. My precision in decoding text and uncovering underlying narratives
Attachment Styles are patterns of how you think, feel, and behave in relationships.
Your Attachment Style forms in early childhood, and is based on how well you felt heard, seen, and understood by your parents.
In childhood, when you felt that you don’t matter or that you are fundamentally alone, you unconsciously put your guard up.
And you disconnected from your Authenticity, because you didn’t feel safe showing up as you are.
This created insecurity in your mental, emotional, and physical bodies.
The path to secure attachment involves healing and freedom.
When you heal, you can let go of insecurities, limiting beliefs, and open new pathways that allow you to consciously respond rather than react to situations.
You can unlock your full potential when you reclaim your Authenticity.
Patterns to Presence is a proven, step-by-step program to transform the patterns that keep you from creating authentic, secure relationships. Using a tried-and-tested roadmap, we guide you from insecure to secure attachment in just 4 weeks.
1. Pattern recognition superpower. My friends call me a “textpert” because I’m amazing at recognizing patterns. My precision in decoding text and uncovering underlying narratives
2024 was so hard. A part of me used to believe that because I’ve been through a divorce, moving to a new country, and a
Shortly after my divorce in 2016, I signed up for Professor Virani’s 2-week tour of Iran. With a bleeding heart and an estranged relationship with
If you’ve followed my journey, you know this was not possible a few years ago. I couldn’t be around my parents for more than a few hours
Part 1: How insecurity robs us of a happy childhood For as long as I can remember, I believed that my parents didn’t really love
In March 2019, I was invited by the University of Central Asia to speak at a TEDx event hosted by the students in Naryn, Kyrgyzstan.